Kannan NagarajanKannan Banner


Creative Entertainer

I have been engaging small to medium sized group of people in creative entertainment. I cover various topics ranging from Sales, Technology, Social Networking, Netiquettes, numerology and photography to name a few. I ignite minds, enable and empower it.


Cooking is not a job but and Art. I strongly believe that the easy way to touch someone’s heart is through their stomach. I experiment new recipes and keep the old traditional way of cooking alive by improving and refining them every day. Understanding and rediscovering the age old cooking process and reproducing the same using the modern gadgets is always been thrilling experience. More of this can be read from my culinary website here.


Since my young age I was trained by my father on photography, and now I am into it. Apart from being a photographer, I train young photo enthusiasts also. The first camera I used was German camera Zeiss Ikon Nettar, which I have still with me, the priceless possession then moved to Russian Zenit 122 then Japanese Olympus OM 101 then Sony DSC-H50, then Japanese Nikon D5100 and now Nikon D7100. I ignited it in my son and now he is one of the notable photographer.


The science of numerology is not simply based on numbers and letters. It is based on the inter-connectedness of the cycles and patterns that form the foundation of all of nature and the recognition that many of these cycles are reflected in the letters in a name or date of birth.

Simply put, it is highly accurate. People who encounter numerology marvel at the insight and practical advice it offers, as well as its ability to predict future trends and events. Implicit within the spiritual science of numerology is an age-old and universal wisdom that people intuitively understand, respect, and respond to. Numerology is very accessible.

I actively practice Numerology. You could write to me with your full details I will be able to guide you. I have around 1500 people who consult me on numerology.